
Pocket Screen with some measuring cups

In Your Pocket in the Kitchen

Cooking can be an amazing experience or a chore, depending on the mind set you bring to it on any given day. And of course

Easily Set Reminders With In Your Pocket

There is no denying that life can be incredibly busy and being able to organise your schedule is often considered essential. Even when you’re ‘relaxing’

Library of Congress follows RNIB

RealSAM awarded contract to design the next book reader Washington DC, USA – 14 NOV 2019 RealSAM has been awarded contract of up to £1.5M

Magnifiying glass with the words "Just Say Start Magnififer"

New Talent Added : Magnifier

In the next few days you will receive an update for your In Your Pocket, where we have added an amazing brand new feature for